Curved Poles – Brass

Select Metal 3/4” and 1 3/16” Poles may be continuous curved for bow or arched windows.

Curved Set Rings

Set Rings for Arched Poles

Set Rings may be used with Select Metal Round or Flat Rings and allow for placement of rings at any position on the pole and may easily be adjusted.

Curved Poles Diagram

Curved Poles are ordered by the foot.

A template is required for all curved orders. Curving & crafting charges will apply.

Bent Poles – Brass

Bent Poles Diagram

Bent Poles are ordered by the foot.

A template is required for all curved orders. Bending & crafting charges will apply.

Swivel Bracket

Adjustable Swivel Bracket may be used with Bent or Curved Poles

For use with 3/4” or 1 3/16” curved or bent poles when installation requires more flexibility.

120-2056 (3/4”) Return: 4 3/8”- 5 3/8”
130-2056 (1 3/16”) Return: 4 1/2”- 5 1/2”

Available in all finishes

Curved Traverse Rods

Select Metal 1 3/16″ Half Round Fascia Traverse Rods may be continuous curved.

A template is required for all curved traverse rods.

Curing and crafting charges will apply.

Decorative Traverse Rod Brackets are available for a surcharge.


  • Wall or rod measurements
  • Return & Bracket Style
Curved Traverse Rod